Hotel Visionary Awards Process


Complete the online entry form entering your contact information as well as the nominee's contact information. If you are nominating a hotel brand, you will need to supply a hotelier point of contact. Don't forget–you can nominate yourself.


Here is the eligibility criteria by award category:


For an individual that has made a significant impact on the industry through leadership, the successful application of innovative solutions and ideas, mentorship, and commitment to industry progress.

Eligibility: Open to any individual from a hotel operator or hotel technology solution provider with at least 15 years of experience in the hotel technology industry.

For any individual who has been working within the hotel technology industry for less than five years. Honors will go to those who are reimagining how things are done in hotels while demonstrating excellence in leadership, inventiveness, and skill at an early point in their career. 

Eligibility: Open to any individual from a hotel operator or hotel technology solution provider with no more than 5 years of experience in the hotel technology industry.

This award is meant to honor the positive relationship between a hotelier and their solution provider as they worked together to create a technology solution. It is presented to a hotelier-vendor team that has demonstrated exceptional collaborative ideation and execution over the course of 12 months or longer. Nominees will be judged on criteria including:

  • Communication/Respectful Dialogue
  • Shared Goals/Vision
  • Problem Solving
  • Collaborative Ideation
  • Mutual Support
  • Flexibility and Adaptability

Eligibility: Both hoteliers and vendors may self-nominate for this award. If selected, both the named hotel brand and the named solution provider will receive an award.

For a technology initiative related to the ordering and delivery of food while on the premises, whether within a hotel restaurant or via room service. 

Eligibility: Nominees in solution categories must be hotel operator brands (defined as corporate brands, property management firms and/or independent hotel companies). These awards recognize the winner's work in the last 18 months. Submissions can be self-nominated or nominated by a third party (including PR firms, agencies and vendor partners!).

For the innovative use of technology to improve the guest experience during any phase of their journey: pre-, during, or post-stay. Examples could include guest-facing communication and engagement solutions, on-property way-finding, concierge and personalization solutions. 

Eligibility: Nominees in solution categories must be hotel operator brands (defined as corporate brands, property management firms and/or independent hotel companies). These awards recognize the winner's work in the last 18 months. Submissions can be self-nominated or nominated by a third party (including PR firms, agencies and vendor partners!).

For technology initiatives that are specifically found within the guest room. This may include, but is not limited to, thermostats, televisions, tablets, voice assistants, etc.

Eligibility: Nominees in solution categories must be hotel operator brands (defined as corporate brands, property management firms and/or independent hotel companies). These awards recognize the winner's work in the last 18 months. Submissions can be self-nominated or nominated by a third party (including PR firms, agencies and vendor partners!).

For innovations in the use of technology to empower, recruit, optimize or otherwise manage the on-property workforce (e.g., front desk, concierge, housekeeping, maintenance, valet, bellhop, wait staff). Areas can include but should not be limited to hiring, scheduling, tipping, payroll, training, workforce communications, etc.

Eligibility: Nominees in solution categories must be hotel operator brands (defined as corporate brands, property management firms and/or independent hotel companies). These awards recognize the winner's work in the last 18 months. Submissions can be self-nominated or nominated by a third party (including PR firms, agencies and vendor partners!).

For technologies that improve hotel operations across the enterprise and/or back-office applications. Technologies can include, but are not limited to, PMS, CRS, POS, network infrastructure, data & analytics, etc.

Eligibility: Nominees in solution categories must be hotel operator brands (defined as corporate brands, property management firms and/or independent hotel companies). These awards recognize the winner's work in the last 18 months. Submissions can be self-nominated or nominated by a third party (including PR firms, agencies and vendor partners!).

For any technology initiative that optimizes, supports or relates to the distribution and pricing of room inventory.

Eligibility: Nominees in solution categories must be hotel operator brands (defined as corporate brands, property management firms and/or independent hotel companies). These awards recognize the winner's work in the last 18 months. Submissions can be self-nominated or nominated by a third party (including PR firms, agencies and vendor partners!).

For innovations in the use of sales and/or marketing technology to boost brand awareness, customer satisfaction, occupancy, and/or revenue. Examples include customer relationship management (CRM), loyalty programs, email marketing campaigns, social media marketing, and upsell technology.

Eligibility: Nominees in solution categories must be hotel operator brands (defined as corporate brands, property management firms and/or independent hotel companies). These awards recognize the winner's work in the last 18 months. Submissions can be self-nominated or nominated by a third party (including PR firms, agencies and vendor partners!).

For a technology initiative that contributes to a hotel brand’s overall environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals. This can be at a corporate level or at a property level. Examples include improvements in food waste, energy conservation, and/or water conservation.

Eligibility: Nominees in solution categories must be hotel operator brands (defined as corporate brands, property management firms and/or independent hotel companies). These awards recognize the winner's work in the last 18 months. Submissions can be self-nominated or nominated by a third party (including PR firms, agencies and vendor partners!).


Here are the questions you'll be asked during the nomination process by award category:


  • Contact Information for Nominator and Nominee (if different): First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Job Function, Company Name, and Primary Business.
  • Nomination Submission Name
  • Nominated Hotel Brand Name
  • How long has the nominee been in their current role?
  • How long has the nominee been working within the hotel technology industry?
  • What are the nominee's primary job responsibilities?
  • INNOVATION: What area(s) of technology is the nominee particularly focused on/proficient in? Describe how they have utilized their knowledge and experience in this area to improve/drive business and foster innovation. How has the nominee gone beyond the primary job title/description?
  • ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Tell us about recent tech wins (within the last 12 months). What challenges did they face? Explain how the nominee leaned in and adapted to the times. Describe achievements or projects that the nominee has had ownership of or initiated, that have affected change in the industry or company or community. Provide background and specifics on challenges overcome or goals achieved.
  • RESULTS: Explain the impact they have had on the brand. For example, did the nominee improve operations, drive revenue, improve the employee experience, reduce staff turnover, drive customer loyalty, contribute to the company’s ESG goals, etc.? Provide specific measurable metrics.
  • TESTIMONIALS: Include quotes, if possible, from colleagues that describe why this person deserves an award. Include the colleague’s name, title and company name.
  • Contact Information for Nominator and Nominee (if different): First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Job Function, Company Name, and Primary Business. At least one hotelier point of contact must be included.
  • Nomination Submission Name
  • Nominated Hotel Brand Name
  • For how long have the hotel and vendor been partners?
  • Describe how the hotel and vendor became acquainted with each other. Were there signs from the very beginning that this working relationship would be special? If so, what were those signs?
  • Looking back on your relationship, what has made it exceptional compared to other hotel/vendor relationships you’ve experienced? Key areas to focus on include: communication/dialogue, shared goals/vision, problem solving, collaborative ideation, mutual support, flexibility and adaptability, etc.
  • Describe how the quality of your partnership made implementing tech solutions easier, faster, less stressful, etc.
  • Have you continued to work together post tech implementation? If so, why?
  • Feel free to provide any other comments on why you feel this partnership is award-worthy.
  • Contact Information for Nominator and Nominee (if different): First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Job Function, Company Name, and Primary Business. At least one hotelier point of contact must be included.
  • Nomination Submission Name
  • Nominated Hotel Brand Name
  • Problems/Challenges: What were the challenges/problems that this company set out to solve? Please only describe the challenges.
  • Solutions Deployed: Please provide information on the technology vendors and solutions deployed to address the above problems. Your response must include a thorough description of the number (range) of technology vendors that were involved in this project, reason for selection, project expectations, key technological features/functions, and length of use.
  • Hotel's Role in Innovation: Beyond implementing a specific vendor solution(s), please describe the technological research and development work that was completed by the hotel company that helped to make this project a success. Your answer should clearly explain the innovations that were made by the hotel company, including key technology improvements and strategic best practices. Please do not recap the features and functions of the vendor solution(s) or the RFP process.
  • Results: What has the hotel achieved since committing to a particular agenda? Your answer must include supporting examples and/or hard data as evidence of your nomination’s success in this category.
  • How was this technology rollout received by frontline staff and/or franchisees/owners? Any testimonials you can share?
  • Timeframe of the project (include the approximate project inception date and completion date with a month and year).
  • How many properties does the hotel brand currently have?
  • How many of these properties are currently using this new tech solution?

Stay tuned! Finalists will be notified in October 2024. Winners will be announced live during the Hotel Technology Forum (Nov. 18-20th at the Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA.) To qualify for the award, finalists must be in attendance at Hotel Technology Forum.

Join us at the Hotel Technology Forum on November 19, 2024, at Rancho Palos Verdes, CA where the winners will be announced live!

Nomination Deadline Date: September 13, 2024